[COMMENT: Yes, I think whooping is what made the whooping cranes an endangered species, and anyone with whooping cough should probably not do cross-fit training with a whooping instructor. The cranes lost their habitat and couldn’t find a good gym near an airport where they could find mates. Cranes just jump up and down but can’t follow music either.]

The Phil Factor

I’ve always gone to a gym or done some kind of exercise to keep in shape for nighttime crime-fighting on the rooftops of the city.  I went to the gym the other day and encountered my worst nightmare. Last month, bored with my usual gym routine, I decided to try a CrossFit class. First I had to find the CrossFit class. It wasn’t in a gym. It was in the back of an old, dingy warehouse that looks like the kind of place terrorists plan things. It was filled with black and gray fitness equipment. There was loud heavy metal music and lots of grunting and sweating going on. (insert sex life joke here) The atmosphere said, “This is serious working out. You’re either going to die or be able to lift a Buick when you’re done.” The class was great, intense workouts which I loved.

Picture credit: www.lolpix.com Picture credit: http://www.lolpix.com


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